Stories from the Saddle: Voices of Rural Montana

My name is Mia Tompkins, and I am studying Environmental Literature and Climate Change Studies at the University of Montana. This past summer, I participated in a month long course called Cycle the Rockies. I learned that for each Montanan, despite having different occupations and environmental opinions, the land held power and significance.

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Interfaith Voices for Climate Action Conference

My name is Jennifer Kieffer. I was lucky to intern with Faith and Climate Action Montana (FCAM) this past semester, an interfaith organization with the goal of spreading information about the climate crisis to people in religious communities. Helping serve as a catalyst to the mingling of science and religion was a truly fascinating experience.

Adapting to Smoky Summers

My name is Sarah Luth. I decided to focus my capstone project on the relationship between climate change, wildfire smoke, and human health. What I came to recognize is that there are more questions than there are answers. This summer I will help to design Missoula County’s response to future smoke events in my new job working for Climate Smart Missoula!

Moving the dial on campus sustainability

My name is Casey Brandon. Through my internship, I realized that working in the field of sustainable business won’t always produce immediate results, but that those who can properly articulate and communicate their thoughts tend to have more success.

Connecting kids to the land and the food we eat

I'm Hannah Boe. This internship gave me practical experience teaching about sustainability and allowed me to develop as an educator. Educating kids about the environment, sustainability, and climate change could potentially be a future career for me. When I do this work, I feel like I am making difference.

Mapping Climate Data for the Montana Climate Office

My name is Colin Brust. When I started working as an intern at the Montana Climate Office, I had no idea what my calling in life was. My internship and practicum helped me realize that I am interested in using programming and mapping to analyze climate data and inform public decision making regarding climate change.

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